Care for Every Phase of Wellness
At Miami Pain and Wellness, we meet you wherever you are in the wellness journey. Our focus is on giving the right treatment to the right person at the right time.
The recovery phase focuses on gaining the ability to perform necessary activities without pain, such as household chores, work, and sleep.
The repair or restore phase focuses on active self care (exercise therapy) to help you relieve or avoid pain on your own as you continue to heal.
Return to Wellness
The return to wellness phase means you are ready to continue improving coordination, conditioning, and/or strength. After all, with age, if you're not getting better, you're getting worse. Wellness requires daily commitment to habits that improve and maintain your mind, body, and spirit.
Chiropractic Care
Electrical stimulation ("TENs")
Myofascial therapy (muscle work)
Passive and active stretching
Spine or extremity manipulations ("adjustment")
Therapeutic exercise
Sarah Puente
Book NowMiami Pain and Wellness LLC
4035 N Meridian Ave, 305,Miami Beach, FL
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